
"Hide and Seek"

"Popping Bubbles"

"Hanging Around"

"Crossing the Sea"

Dr. Seuss’s books have been used to teach reading skills to all ages, and allow for those same people to reminisce in the memories they have from reading the books. However, the artwork within this world is very different and unusual from other cartoons such as caricatures and Disney animations. But where do the ideas for this artwork come from?
These types illustrations are kindled from a young age. As children, we are encouraged to imagine and be creative. This first starts with invisible friends and simple drawings at school and home. However, these same illustrations can be correlated to the visuals one sees while on certain drugs. Hallucinations bring out animated subjects and objects based on real experiences. These hallucinations can inspire creativity for different forms of entertainment from film to music. Since the images are similar in their color and abstractness, it is the origin of the images that I blur by allowing the creator/viewer to interact with these subjects and objects.
By not distinguishing where the pictures originate from, this in turn also blurs who and why behind the pictures. Was Dr. Seuss under the influence of certain substances, or was he simply just being creative and expressing his imagination and or feelings? I wanted to show what could be the reasons for the need for drugs and the possibility as to where it could come from. Addiction is a disease that is hard to understand and constantly be there for the addict who commits the repeated offense.  

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